Association of Equipment Manufacturers – Site of the Day

We came across the Association of Equipment Manufacturers today while reading an article in the Wall Street Journal about advances in planting technology that allows American farmers to plant their seeds much more efficiently and quicker. We thought it would be interesting to take a look at the site for the Association of Equipment Manufacturers and see what we could find.

National Cotton Council – Site of the Day

The National Cotton Council of America is serves as the central forum for consensus-building among producers, ginners, warehousers, merchants, cottonseed processors/dealers, cooperatives and textile manufacturers. The organization is the unifying force in working with the government to ensure that cotton’s interests are considered. The National Cotton Council of America’s mission is to ensure the ability of all U.S. cotton industry segments to compete effectively and profitably in the raw cotton, oilseed and U.S.-manufactured product markets at home and abroad.

Site of the Day – International Sugar Association

The International Sugar Organization is the unique intergovernmental body devoted to improving conditions on the world’s sugar market through Debate, Analysis, Special Studies, Transparent Statistics, Seminars, Conferences and Workshops.

The proactive attitude to include ethanol from sugar crops in our activities already in the mid-90s helped to promote the increasing role of biofuels in the future energy-mix worldwide.