Welcome to the Sterling Reporter’s Commentary and Editorial Section
The Sterling Reporter, and its related sites are a series of financial, business, and news aggregation sites. Our focus is on bringing you the relevant news and information from as many sources as possible.
We have decided to add our Commentary and Editorial section to bring you interesting news, ideas, thoughts, and topics as we come across them. Some of what we bring will be fun and humorous, others just things we find interesting. Others items will be more serious discussions of items we feel of importance; some will even be of a political nature.
We realize that not everything is for everyone. And that is okay with us. As of right now our plan is to have a variety of different categories set up so that you can pick and choose what you want and avoid the rest. Our plan is to start with the following:
- General: Basic news and items of general interest.
- Ignored News: Issues, items, and other news we feel is important and being ignored by the mainstream media.
- Outrageous Items and Behavior: I would like to call this section “WTF”, however, we feel compelled to keep this a little more family friendly. Living in Atlanta, we see more than our fair share of outrageous behavior. Once I get Google Glass this could be really interesting.
- Politics: We like to take a slightly different look at things.
- Site of the Day: Interesting web sites that we find. Since our focus is on business and the markets, expect a lot business and market related sites.
Other sites that are part of the Sterling Reporter family include the following:
- Bakken Oil News: News and information concerning the Bakken Oil region.
- Best Bankruptcy: News and information concerning bankruptcy within the United States.
- Bond Market News: News and information concerning the bond and other debt markets.
- Capital Markets News: News and information concerning the U.S. capital markets.
- Gold & Silver News: News and information concerning the gold, silver, and precious metals markets.
- Oil & Gas News: News and information concerning the oil and natural gas markets.
- Sterling Holdings: This is the parent entity for the Sterling Reporter and our related news sites.
- Sterling Reporter: Financial news and information that is aggregate by human hand.
- U.S. Election News: News and information concerning elections within the United States.